January 19, 2025
Pastoral Minister: currently vacant
Prelude: Paulette Welborn, Pianist
Welcome and Announcements:
Hymn # 421 If You Only Knew Him
Hymn # 417 Breathe On Me
Giving of Tithes and Offerings
Special Music
Open Worship Sharing and Meditation
Speaker Billy Smith
Silent Worship
Closing Hymn # 455 How Sweet the Name of Jesus,
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” -1 Peter 4:8
Enter to worship -- Depart to serve
Welcome and Announcements:
Hymn # 421 If You Only Knew Him
Hymn # 417 Breathe On Me
Giving of Tithes and Offerings
Special Music
Open Worship Sharing and Meditation
Speaker Billy Smith
Silent Worship
Closing Hymn # 455 How Sweet the Name of Jesus,
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” -1 Peter 4:8
Enter to worship -- Depart to serve
Monthly Meditation: “You perform all the difficult religious duties-- you fast, you watch, you suffer; but you will not endure the easy ones—you do not love." Peter the Venerable
Prayer Requests:
Shut-ins: Dot Joyce, Madge Mills, Nina Reeves.
Others: Jim Matthews, Dennis Bledsoe, Doug & Karen Reeves, Alan Bales, Thomas Valour Nagle, Patricia Sebens, Judy Miller, Tana Mills, Marcie Newell, Sara Bryant, Faye Goad, Mike & Peggy Chilton Gordon, Sharon Nelson Lopez, Anna Thomas Norris, Marilyn Thomas, Gary York, Roger & Laura Cockerham, Bud Hooker, Dennis McGert, Pete & Sheryl Shore, Jack Causey, Steve Jenkins, Phyllis Davis, Billie Manning, Brittany Lawson, James Quesinberry, Mary Scott Hunter-Andrew & Sidney Hunter family,
Robbi Poole, Celia and Tim Vinson, Wayne Vinson, James Blackwell, Clark Key, Betty Laws, Roy Mendenhall, Courtney Chamberlain. Family and PMMS community of Aydan Dodson, Family of John Goins
Shut-ins: Dot Joyce, Madge Mills, Nina Reeves.
Others: Jim Matthews, Dennis Bledsoe, Doug & Karen Reeves, Alan Bales, Thomas Valour Nagle, Patricia Sebens, Judy Miller, Tana Mills, Marcie Newell, Sara Bryant, Faye Goad, Mike & Peggy Chilton Gordon, Sharon Nelson Lopez, Anna Thomas Norris, Marilyn Thomas, Gary York, Roger & Laura Cockerham, Bud Hooker, Dennis McGert, Pete & Sheryl Shore, Jack Causey, Steve Jenkins, Phyllis Davis, Billie Manning, Brittany Lawson, James Quesinberry, Mary Scott Hunter-Andrew & Sidney Hunter family,
Robbi Poole, Celia and Tim Vinson, Wayne Vinson, James Blackwell, Clark Key, Betty Laws, Roy Mendenhall, Courtney Chamberlain. Family and PMMS community of Aydan Dodson, Family of John Goins
Photo upper right: Presence In The Midst by Doyle Penrose